Hymn 41: Praise the Lord! Ye heavens adore Him;
Hymn 42: Before Jehovah's awful throne
Hymn 43: O God, our help in ages past
Hymn 44: O God, the Rock of Ages
Hymn 45: My Soul shouts glory to the Son of God
Hymn 46: My God, the spring of all my joys
Hymn 47: No more veil! God bids me enter
Hymn 48: Great is thy faithfulness
Hymn 49: Pleasant are thy courts above
Hymn 50: Fill Thou my life, O Lord my God
Hymn 51: Eternal God! We raise to Thee
Hymn 52: From all that dwell below the skies
Hymn 53: If I but knew Thee as Thou art
Hymn 54: Here is love, vast as the ocean
Hymn 55: Hark! the song of jubilee
Hymn 56: O God of our salvation
Hymn 57: Begin, my soul, some heav'nly theme
Hymn 58: Lord Jesus Christ, we seek Thy face
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