Jesus is specialist at making all things new. For example, when the wine finished at the wedding in Cana of Galilee, He didn't only change water to wine, the new wine was better than what they had before. When Jesus stepped onto the scene, He gave them an entirely new experience, and the governor of the ceremony confirmed it (John 2:1-10). Jesus will do the same for you this new year, in Jesus' name.
Jesus can give you a brand-new beginning, 2 Corinthians 5:17 says that if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away, and all things have become new. All that God requires for everything in your life to become new is for you to surrender to Him. This is because, for the new to come, you must do away with the old.
When Jacob was faced with the fear of meeting his twin brother, Esau, after so many years, he had a divine encounter that changed his old name into a new one - Israel. That change of name ushered in the miracle of reconciliation that he wanted because as long as he still bore his old name, he couldn't experience fresh miracles. God also had to change the names of Abraham and Sarah so that His promises concerning their lives would come to pass (Genesis 17:5, 15).
God doesn't put His new wine into old wineskins of sin (Luke 5:37-38). For Him to make all things new in your life, you must be ready to let go of the old man. You must surrender your old ways of thinking to be able to receive and follow His directions for your life. You must surrender your old traditions for His new culture to take over. When it was time for God to draw the Gentiles unto Him, God gave Simon Peter a trance to shift his old way of thinking. He showed a sheet filled with the birds and animals he termed unclean and asked him to kill and eat. God wanted to change his old mindset so that he could accept the Gentiles into the church (Acts 10:9-16).
God is limitless. He can make all things new, but sometimes, our wineskins stop Him from pouring out His newness into our lives. Beloved, as we still bask in the newness of this year, ask the Lord to reveal every old and faulty mindset that can hinder His new plans from manifesting in your life.