A curse is a summon to spiritual forces to work against someone or a group of people, while a divine curse is a summon to all forces in heaven, on earth, and beneath the earth to do the same. No matter how strong you are, I'm sure you don't want any spiritual forces to work against you; hence, you must avoid curses.
In Judges 9:5-57, we see an example of a curse impacting an entire city. Jotham had escaped being killed by his brother, Abimelech, who had killed seventy of his brothers, and he responded by placing a curse on Abimelech and the men of Shechem who helped him. Three years later, God allowed an evil spirit to execute the curse, leading to chaos and destruction in the land and, ultimately, Abimelech's death.
I heard a story when I was young that helped shape my actions as I grew older. It was reported that a young man who was traveling on a journey passed by an old man and laughed mockingly at him for no reason. The old man responded by saying, "I may be too weak to do anything, but the basket is never satisfied with water." After saying this, he continued on his way. Suddenly, the traveler felt an intense thirst, so he rushed to the nearest stream to get some water before continuing his journey. Shortly after, he became thirsty again, and he stopped at another hut to drink more water. After many more similar stops, some people sensed that something was amiss. They questioned him, and he told them the old man's statement. They shouted, "Ah! That is a curse." They found the old man and begged him to forgive the young man. He agreed, released him from the curse, and immediately, the intense thirst stopped.
Beloved, avoid actions that can attract curses to you. Honour elders, and do not cheat or hurt other people. If you have done nothing wrong and someone curses you, it will not come to pass because a causeless curse will not come into effect (Proverbs 26:2).
When you study your Bible, you will see that certain actions can attract curses from God; avoid them like a plague. If a man's curse can be as powerful as the one in the story I shared above, how much more curses from God? We will discuss more about avoiding God's curses from tomorrow.
If there's any curse currently operating in your life, I decree that it will be broken today, in Jesus' name.