Years ago, I suddenly discovered that I was having trouble with my hearing. I called one of my daughters, who is a doctor, and asked her to check my ears. When she checked them, she exclaimed, "Oh God!" She then said that both ears had growths inside, and she encouraged me to go to the hospital. I smiled and told her to give me seven days, after which I would allow her to do whatever needed to be done medically if the growths were still there. I knew that I have a Father who is the Doctor of doctors, so I spoke to Him after she left. I said, "Father, please give me new ears because I need to be able to hear people say 'amen' when I pray." When she returned on the seventh day to look into my ears, she exclaimed again, "Oh God!" But that time around, her exclamation was a positive one because Jehovah Rapha had healed me.
Do you know that it is possible to live without falling sick? Do you know that healing is your bread if you are a child of God? However, for God to be the Lord that heals you, you must diligently hearken to His voice (Exodus 15:26). You must do whatever He tells you to do and obey Him promptly. When the ten lepers saw Jesus and cried out to Him for healing, He asked them to go and show themselves to the priests (Luke 17:11- 14). Doing that was risky because if they got to the priest without being healed, they might have been stoned to death. They took the risk to obey Jesus, and they were healed. Likewise, the man who was born blind received his healing when Jesus asked him to go and wash in the pool of Siloam (John 9:7). He chose to obey Jesus, and he returned with his sight.
Beloved, it is God's will for you to enjoy healing in all areas of your life. It is the Father's good pleasure for you to live in sound health, but you must hearken diligently to His voice. What has God asked you to stop eating or drinking? What has He asked you to start doing? Be prompt to obey Him, and you will enjoy healing and sound health in all areas, in Jesus' name.