Anytime you please God, He will do something really amazing for you. In 2 Chronicles 1:6-15,Solomon pleased God. He wasn't pleasing men or trying to get their approval; he wanted to please the God of wonders. Today, people are still talking about Solomon because of the great things that God did in his life. God prospered him physically -throughout his life, there was no war because God silenced all his enemies (1 Kings 5:4).God also prospered him mentally and materially - his wisdom and riches were so great that God said that no Other king will ever be like him. If you read 1 Kings 3:15-28, you will see an example of how God blessed Solomon.
When you please God in your sowing, He will give you multiple wonders so that long after you are gone, your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will still be reaping from the harvest. I pray that God will open the eyes of your understanding to know that harvest is a wonder; all you need to do is sow in such a manner that pleases God and leave the rest to Him. Very soon, the world will come to you and ask why you are so successful.
When a person's ways please the Lord, He summons forces on earth, in heaven, and underneath the earth to come to that fellow's aid. As we read in today's memory verse, even those who do not like the fellow will have no choice but to bless him or her.
When Isaac asked Esau to prepare him venison so that he could eat and bless him before his death, Jacob brought a delicious meal to him, and Isaac began to rain blessings on him because he enjoyed the food so much. Isaac was so pleased that he blessed Jacob with the dew of heaven, the fatness of the earth, plenty of corn and wine, and the gifts of men (Genesis 27:28-29). If an earthly father can bless his son who pleased him with such blessings, how much more our heavenly Father who owns all silver, gold, and the cattle upon a thousand hills (Haggai 2:8, Psalm 50:10)?
When your ways please God, and He blesses you, nobody can hinder your blessings. No human being, demon, witch, or wizard can oppose you when you please God. Abraham was too blessed to be cursed or hindered by any evil power. Beloved, please God in all your ways, and His blessing will rest upon you and your household, in Jesus name.