There was a couple who had just joined the church After some weeks, we noticed that the wife stopped coming, so we decided to visit her. When we did, she said that she stopped coming because ever since she started attending services, she lost the ability to fly in the middle of the night to her coven of witches. Just by attending our services, the spirit of witchcraft in her became paralysed. Just as I mentioned yesterday that people can contact demons by associating with demon possessed people and staying in demonic environments, people can also become spiritually vibrant by associating with godly people and staying in Spirit-filled atmospheres
The quality of your association will impact the state of your life. If you are surrounded by people who despise godly things, you can't expect to enjoy freedom in life. 2 Corinthians 6:14 says you must not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. Anyone you will call your close friend must also be a friend of Jesus. However, if your friends love God and desire His presence fervently, you cannot remain spiritually lukewarm.
Also, what you listen to, watch, and read plays a huge role in how much liberty you will enjoy in all areas of your life You cannot study the Bible diligently every day and remain in satan's bondage. As you read God's word, His light will fill your heart, and you will receive life-saving directions and instructions. As you fellowship with God's word, you will become enlightened in His ways (Psalm 119:130). Enlightened people cannot be easily deceived or swayed by the devil's lies. They are not ignorant of the devil's devices, and therefore, he cannot take advantaged them (2 Corinthians 2:11). Apart from God's word, you should also fellowship with godly materials, songs, and videos. Let your eyes be fixed on things that will always uplift and strengthen you in God. Fill your environment with godly things that will push you to seek God more and more. As you do this, you will enjoy greater spiritual freedom, and everyone who encounters you will perceive and receive the fresh breath of heaven.
Beloved, spend time with people, things, and places where God's presence abides, because in His presence there is freedom, joy, and all-round peace and prosperity.