Hymn 220
Lord Jesus, Thou Thy Church hast Graced
- Lord Jesus, Thou Thy Church hast Graced
With gifts supernal and divine;
Gifts of Ttiy Spirit, pure and chaste.
With heavenly lustre here to shine.
Ascending to Thy Father's throne,
Thou hast bestowed them on Thine own.
- In Thee, our living Head, are stored
Treasures of wisdom, light and love;
On us, Thy members, Thou hast poured
This wealth of blessing from above.
Oh, may we prove, this very hour.
The nine-fold splendour of Thy pow'r!
- Speak, Lord! By Word of Wisdom pure.
Thy will reveal. Thy mind impart:
By Word of Knowledge, swift and sure,
Illume, instruct, and guide each heart,
So shall u e trace Thy way divine,
Line upon line, in clear design.
- Thy mighty faith on us bestow.
Beyond our measure or our thought;
Let gifts of healing from Thee flow,
And wonders in Thy name be wrought.
Make bare Thine arm, confirm Thy Word,
That all may own Thee Christ and Lord!
- Touch Thou our lips! We would aspire
To speak the praises of Thy love.
Gifted with pure prophetic fire
And holy unction from above;
Whilst, through Thy searching Spirit, taught
The secret springs of life and thought.
- With tongues of men or Seraph strain.
Speak forth Thy words, in praise, in prayer;
Then make each heaven-sent message plain.
That we Thy glories may declare.
Grace every gift with love's high theme:
Yea, reign o'er all, O Love supreme!