Christly Living


  Mon Sep 25, 2023  


Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. .. John 14:27

Isaiah 66:12-14


Since your Daddy is called the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6), you must start behaving like a child of the Prince of Peace. In our Bible reading today, He promised you peace like a river. If you have been finding it difficult to sleep, remember Psalm 127:2, where He said He gives His beloved sleep.

When I became General Overseer, we had 39 parishes, but there were so many problems. I was always so worried about the work of God and though I was just 40 years old, my hair had started to turn grey. I asked God, "Lord, why?" and He said, "You are carrying a burden that is not yours. You cannot share My glory. If you cannot share My glory, you cannot share My burden; let me carry My burden". Right there and then, I stopped worrying, and my hair gradually turned black again.

If the devil has seized your peace, you need to claim it back. James 4:7 says you should resist the devil and he will flee from you. At times you need to fight to get that peace. Initially, when you start resisting the devil, he will act as if he wants to fight, but when he realises that you are not going to backdown, he will flee.

When I was very young, I was very small in stature and there was a bully in my primary school. He knew I couldn't defeat him in a fight, so he always tormented me. He tortured me at every opportunity. One day, something moved inside of me. I just decided, "I'm going to fight this boy. I know I can't beat him because he is too big, but we will fight until he kills me, and then the government will kill him, so that it will be a draw". The next time he came to torment me, I said, "Don't touch me". Shocked, he said, "You spoke?" and hit me. I hit him too and He knocked me down. I got up and hit him again. He knocked me down several times but I kept getting up. After a while, he must have thought, "This boy wants to die", so he ran away and I chased after him. The bully was now running from me because I refused to back down. From that day on, I had peace. Your Saviour is the Prince of Peace and He has already given you His peace (John 14:27). Claim it today and it shall be yours in Jesus' name.

Bible In One Year:

When Peace Like A River Attendeth My Way

Key Point:
Sometimes you have to fight for your peace. Resist the devil in prayers and be will leave you alone.

King James Version

Isaiah 66:12-14

For thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream: then shall ye suck, ye shall be borne upon her sides, and be dandled upon her knees. [13] As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem. [14] And when ye see this, your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall flourish like an herb: and the hand of the Lord shall be known toward his servants, and his indignation toward his

When peace, like a river attendeth my way

  1. When peace, like a river attendeth my way.
    When sorrows, like sea billows roll;
    Whatever my lot. Thou has taught me to know,
    "It is well, it is well with my soul

  2. It is well,... With my soul,...
    It is well, it is well with my soul

  3. Though Satan should buffet.
    It trials should come.
    Let this blest assurance control.
    That Christ hath regarded my Helpless estate.
    And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
  4. My sin- Oh, the bliss of this glorious thought
    My sin-not in part, but the Whole
    Is nailed to His cross; and I bear it no more:
    Praise the Lord, praise the Lord.O my soul.
  5. For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live!
    If Jordan above me shall roll.
    No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life
    Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.
  6. .But the Lord, 'tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait.
    The sky, not the grave, is our te', goal:
    Oh, triumph of the angel! oh, voice of the Lord!
    Blessed hope! Blessed rest of my soul.




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  - Christly-living-team




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