And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever. .. John 8:35
Exodus 33:12-17
A son dwells in the house of God, he does not come and go, he dwells in the presence of his Father. Many people come and go from the presence of God. The sons are the ones that abide in His presence; wherever they go, they ensure that His presence is with them.
How do you remain in God's presence? First, you don't joke with your quiet time with Him. That is when it is just you and Him in the morning, conversing. That is when you study your Bible and pray. You should start your day with Him and become addicted to speaking to Him every morning. Beyond that, don't make any decision without first asking for His input. You should ask Him for which outfit to wear, which route to take on your way to work, and so on. When you live basically on His voice, you are dwelling in His presence continually. Psalm 10:4 says that those who don't have God in all their thoughts are proud and wicked.
God must be in all your thoughts. He must be the motivation behind everything you do. Everything you do must be done for His glory. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says;
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
A son is always seeking to glorify his Father's name. He never wants to do anything that will make people say, "And you call yourself a child of God. " As such, he lives conscious of whose he is. He doesn't do anything that is outside the leading of his Father because he never wants to leave the presence of his Father.
When you read Mark 15:34-37, you will see that it was when Jesus saw that the Father had forsaken Him that He gave up the ghost. He could bear all the pain as long as God was with Him, but the moment He saw that He was no longer in the presence of His Father, He gave up the ghost. That is how addicted you must be to God's presence. If you are a son of God, abiding in His presence must be like breathing to you.
Bible In One Year:
Leviticus 14-15
A Friend We Have In Jesus
How attached are you to the One you call your Father?
What a friend w e have in Jesus