Christly Living


  Wed Oct 09, 2024  


And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. .. John 6:35

John 10:9-10


Many people have sought to find out the real meaning and essence of life. I have discovered I that the only thing that gives life meaning is a relationship with Jesus Christ. Without Christ, life has no meaning. Without Christ, a man is like a boat, rocked back and forth by the waves of this world. He may pursue a variety of personal objectives, amass wealth, achieve success in one field or the other, or gain pleasure in one thing or another, but soon he will discover that they are all momentary and unsatisfying without Christ. No matter how rich you become, Ecclesiastes 5:10 says that money doesn't satisfy. In Christ, you have everything you need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3).

In Ephesians 2:1, Apostle Paul referred to those without Christ as being 'dead in trespasses and sins'. He said in verse 3 that they fulfil the desires of the flesh, and if anyone has lived long enough, he or she would have discovered that the desires of the flesh do not bring satisfaction. At the end of the day, what people need to gain the joy that they seek is to satisfy the burning desire to connect with their Maker, the Lord Jesus Christ. Until that is done, they will always feel empty. Cars, awards, titles, and all the money in this world can never fill that void in their hearts. Until they have a relationship with Christ, their lives will remain meaningless. This is why when people become born again, all of a sudden, they feel this inner peace that cannot be explained. What follows after is joy. Life now suddenly has a meaning.

Beloved, make Christ your top priority. Don't trade Him for Money or anything else because it will profit you nothing if you gain the whole world and lose your soul (Matthew|6:26). People who do not have Christ will not only live a life of depression and chaos on earth, but they will also Suffer for eternity in hell. The worst thing about hell is not the unquenchable fire and undying worms that will torture its occupants (Mark 9:48); it is the eternal separation from God and the regret of choosing to continue in sin despite hearing several messages of God's salvation. Save yourself from that torment by giving your life to Christ now if you haven't done so, and ensure you live holy henceforth.

NOTE: If you are born again, you can make this message into a tract. Put the contact details of any RCCG parish at the back of the tract so that people who read it can have a minister of God to call for counselling and prayers. Use it to win souls to Christ.

Bible In One Year:
Matthew 23-24

In Christ Alone

Key Point:
A life without Christ is empty.

King James Version

John 10:9-10

I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. [10] The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Loving Saviour, Hear my cry

  1. Loving Saviour, Hear my cry.
    Hear my cry, hear my cry;
    Trembling to Thine arms I fly:
    O save me at the cross!
    I have sinn'd but Thou hast died.
    Thou hast died, Thou hast died,
    In Thy mercy let me hide;
    O save me at the cross!

  2. Lord Jesus, receive me.
    No more would I grieve Thee,
    Now, blessed Redeemer,
    O save me at the Cross!

  3. Tho' I perish I will pray,
    I will pray I will pray;
    Thou of life the Living way;
    O save me at the cross!
    Thou last said Thy grace is free,
    Grace is free, grace is free.
    Have compassion. Lord on me;
    O save me at the cross!
  4. Wash me in Thy cleansing Blood,
    Cleansing blood, cleansing, blood;
    Plunge me now beneath the flood:!
    O save me at the cross!
    Only faith will pardon bring.
    Pardon bring, pardon bring;
    In that faith to Thee I cling;
    O save me at the cross!




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  - Christly-living-team




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