But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. .. Matthew 4:4
Matthew 4:1-11
When I joined RCCG, we never gave offerings; we were told to only pay our tithes. When I asked why, I was told that it was because the congregation was a mixture of sinners and Christians, and we didn't want the money of sinners. I wondered, "What about those of us who are Christians? The Bible says give, and you shall be given (Luke 6:38)." Little wonder we al remained poor in those days. So, even though we were not giving offerings in church, I was giving offerings to the pastors privately. Also, in those days, when we sang choruses, we never clapped. I asked why, and I was told i was because clapping is worldly. You could never even bring up the topic of beating drums. There was no guitar, no trumpet, or any other musical instrument except the organ. Everything was solemn. However, I said, "The Bible says clap your hands all ye people (Psalm 47:1)." The first time we started clapping our hands in RCCG, the elders called a meeting to discuss it! You can imagine what happened when I introduced drums and the guitar.
Sometimes, we allow the traditions of men to dictate how we should live instead of God's word. God's word is His perfect blueprint for every area of life, and when you follow His word, you will enjoy life abundantly. Those who fail to live according to God's word will not experience the exceeding greatness of His power towards those who believe (Ephesians 1:19).
Jesus did not respond to the devil's temptations according to the philosophies and traditions of men. He overcame them because He stood on what was written in God's word(Matthew 4:1-11). He knew what was written and refused to live by anything less than that. Do you know what is written? Do you know what God has said about your situation? Are you standing on God's word or man's report? Whose report will you believe?
When the twelve spies went into Canaan to spy on the land, ten of them stood on what they had seen; only Joshua and Caleb stood on God's word (Numbers 13:26 - Numbers 14:9). Truly, there were giants in the land, but God is greater than giants. It is true that the doctors can see sicknesses, but Jesus has paid the price for your health on the cross.
Beloved, make up your mind to live only by God's word and you will experience His exceeding power in all areas of your life.
Bible In One Year:
1 Kings 13-15
Ancient Words
Action Point:
Let God's word guide you in everything.
Ancient Words
Ancient words, ever true
Changing me and changing you
We have come with open hearts
Oh, let the antxnt words impart