But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour. .. 2 Timothy 2:20
Ezra 1:1-11
Today's memory verse tells us that there are vessels unto honour and unto dishonour in a great man's house. God will always find something to use people for; He will use His children as vessels unto honour, while those who refuse to live a holy life will be used as vessels unto dishonour.
One day, while driving to church to minister to some sick people, I got stuck in a terrible traffic jam. After a while, I noticed a side of the road that was free of traffic, and |moved my car there. Unknown to me, there was a rule that vehicles could only drive on that side of the road after 10am, and that was why it was free. Some policemen stopped my car and said, "Don't you know that you can only pass here from 10am?" I told them I didn't know and that I was sorry. I explained that I am a pastor, and I was hurrying to go and pray for the sick. They said, "Well, you know what to do." I knew they were expecting a bribe, but as a child of God, I couldn't do it. Therefore, they said, "You will wait here until 10am before we let you go." As I waited, some street boys who were some distance away recognised me, and one of them said, "That is Daddy Adeboye. It seems the policemen are harassing him; lets go and help him." When the policemen saw them approaching, they left me and hurried away. In that situation, God used the street boys to threaten the policemen into letting me go.
When God wanted to free His people from Babylon, He used Cyrus, an unbelieving ruler. Long before his birth, Isaiah had prophesied about him and the part he would play in the freedom of God's people (Isaiah 44:28, Isaiah 45:1-5). God can use unbelievers to do His will; however, such unbelievers will still end up in hell if they do not surrender to Christ, as all sinners will end up in hell.
He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. ...John 3:18
Beloved, surrender your life to Christ if you are not yet born again and begin to live a holy life so that God can use you as a vessel unto honour and not unto dishonour.
Bible In One Year:
1 Samuel 28-31
Take My Life, And Let It Be
Key Point:
God will always use people for His will. However, they can choose to either be vessels unto honour or vessels unto dishonour.
Take my life, and let it be