Christly Living


  Sat Apr 05, 2025  


The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. .. Job 33:4

Genesis 1:1-3


As I continue to discuss the significance of the events of the day of Pentecost, I want you to consider that on that day, there was a sound of a mighty rushing wind (Acts 2:1-2). In Exodus 14:21-28,when the wind blew, a way appeared where there was none before. When a revival like the day of Pentecost happens, every force that is hindering the church will be blown away by the wind, and ways will appear where there were none before.

Some years ago, I was invited to preach in an orthodox church, and I preached about the three basic steps of Christianity: salvation, sanctification, and baptism in the Holy Spirit. When I finished speaking about the Holy Spirit, I was expecting some opposition, but an Archdeacon came to me and said, "Sir, thank you for explaining to us that the Holy Spirit is like wind. If the wind wants to blow past somewhere and someone is blocking the way, what will happen?" I said, "The little I know is that the person will be uprooted."

Whatever has been standing against your progress and God's plans for your life will be uprooted once the Holy Ghost comes. I pray that any power of darkness that might be keeping you from fulfilling God's will and enjoying His blessings will be uprooted by the wind of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus' name.

Another thing that happens when the wind blows is that there is divine provision. When God was going to give His people meat, He sent forth a wind that brought quails from the sea, and they fell in abundance around the camp such that the people gathered them until the next day (Numbers 11:31-32). There is always more than enough where the wind of the Spirit blows.

Lastly, Job said that the Spirit of God made him, and the breath of the Almighty gave him life (Job 33:4). God's wind gives life, and where there is life, death cannot stay. When God breathed into man in Genesis 2:7, man became a living soul; he was transformed from mere dust into a walking, talking being. You will experience transformation when the wind Sf God's Spirit blows as it did over the formlessness of the earth and transformed it into a beautiful place (Genesis 1:1-3).

I decree that you will receive a fresh visitation of the wind of God this season, in Jesus' name.

Bible In One Year:
2 Samuel 14-16

Pass Me Not O Gentle Saviour

Prayer Point:
Father, please let the wind of your Spirit blow in my life and ministry, in Jesus name.

King James Version

Genesis 1:1-3

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. [2] And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. [3] And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Pass me not, O gentle Saviour

  1. Pass me not, O gentle Saviour,
    Hear my humble cry;
    While on others Thou art calling,
    Do not pass me by.

  2. Saviour, Saviour,
    Hear my humble cry;
    While on others Thou art calling.
    Do not pass me by.

  3. Let me, at Thy throne of mercy
    Find a sweet relief;
    Kneeling there in deep contrition,
    Help my unbelief
  4. Trusting only in Thy merit
    Would I seek Thy face
    Heal my wounded, broken spirit.
    Save me by Thy grace.
  5. Thou, the spring of all my comfort.
    More than life to me.
    Whom have I on earth beside Thee?
    Whom in heaven but Thee?




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  - Christly-living-team




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