Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners,nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. .. Psalm 1:1
2 Chronicles 20:35-37
Where you sow will determine what you will reap. In the parable of the sower, four soil were identified, but only one brought forth harvests; the other three soils yielded nothing(Mark 4:3-8). I pray for you today; you will not sow on barren soils, in Jesus' name.
A barren soil can be a person, an organisation, or even a house. Some people move into a new house, and everything that was working for them suddenly stops working. Some get into a new relationship or start a new business partnership, and everything they have built over the years crumbles. Jehoshaphat is an example of a fellow who entered into partnerships with people who were barren soils. Even though he was a righteous man, he entered into relationships with ungodly people. First, he became friends with Ahab, a sinful and wicked king, and almost lost his life in battle, but for Gods intervention (1 Kings 22:1-33). Then, as we read in today's Bible reading, he joined himself with Ahab's son, Ahaziah, another wicked king, and together, they made ships to go to Tarshish. The ships were destroyed, and the planned voyage failed because Jehoshaphat was partnering with someone who was a barren soil.
Who you partner with in life and destiny matters a lot. If you partner with a wicked man, your efforts will be wasted because God is angry with the wicked every dal(Psalm 7:11). I pray for you; may you never partner with someone who is marked for destruction by heaven. May your efforts not be destroyed because of the partnerships you make, in Jesus' name.
A disobedient fellow is another dangerous person to partner with. When you partner with such a person, you are sowing on concrete ground because disobedience shuts the heavens over a person. Jonah is an example of such a fellow; he put the people on the ship he boarded to Tarshish in trouble because of his disobedience. Although they didn't lose their lives, they lost their properties because of one disobedient passenger (Jonah 1:1-5). When you join yourself to a disobedient person, you will suffer losses. In the name above every other name, I pray that you will be disconnected from every disobedient person who will make you suffer for what you know nothing about.
Bible In One Year:
1 Kings 8-9
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
Prayer Point:
Father, please help me not to associate with unfruitful partners.
Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah!