Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the Lord. .. Jeremiah 1:8
Jeremiah 1:4-10
Many believers fail to share the gospel because of fear. The key to overcoming this, however, is to ask God for boldness and wisdom for each unique occasion.
I recall a time I flew first class because someone gifted me the ticket. I sat next to a man who I could tell was very rich from his appearance. I really wanted to tell him about Jesus, but I was afraid he wouldn't listen because he would think that he was above such things. Therefore, I decided to go about it with wisdom. I said, "Sir, I'd love to introduce you to my Daddy" He asked, "Who is your Daddy?" "My Daddy is a great chief. He's into oil and gas, and He does some silver, gold, and diamonds. He also has a big farm with thousands of cattle," I replied. Then he asked, "How come I don't know him? What's your father's name?" I knew that if I said Jesus at that stage, I might lose Him, so I said, "My Father's name is Chief Emmanuel." That got his attention, and I was able to share the gospel with him.
When God called young Jeremiah to preach to the rebellious children of Israel, He instructed him not to be afraid of their faces. The same God is with you when you go out to tell others about Jesus' love. He has given you His Spirit to teach you what to say, just as He taught me on that flight. No matter how tough-faced or uninterested people may look, don't look at their faces; focus on the One who sent you and deliver His message to them. An adage in Yorubaland says that you shouldn't fear the one you are delivering a message to but the one who sent you to deliver the message. Don't allow the fear of men prevent you from preaching the gospel. Keep your eyes on God, do as He has commanded all believers (Matthew 28:18-19), and leave the conviction and conversion to Him.
Once God is with you, nothing else matters. He'll teach you what to say and how to say it. Preaching the gospel is not about how excellently you can speak and quote the Scriptures but the demonstration of the Spirit and of power(1 Corinthians 2:4).
Beloved, surrender your life to Jesus today if you haven't; He is the only way to salvation. If you have surrendered your life to Him, ensure you share the gospel with others; don't be afraid of their faces.
Bible In One Year:
1 Samuel 22-24
Stand Up! Stand Up For Jesus
Action Point:
Tell someone about the love of Jesus today.
Stand up! stand up for Jesus