Now when Solomon had made an end of praying, the fire came down from heaven, and consumed the burnt offering and sacrifices; and the glory of the Lord filled the house. .. 2 Chronicles 7:1
1 Kings 18:30-39
Today, as I continue my discussion on the events of the day of Pentecost in Acts 2, I want to examine the implication of the fire that appeared and sat on each of the disciples. In today's Bible reading, we see that Elijah's prayer that caused fire to fall from heaven was majorly filled with praises. In the atmosphere of praise, God answers prayers by fire. When the fire fell, idol worship stopped in the land. The reason the agenda of the devil appears to be thriving in certain places is that the necessary conditions for revival have not been met.
Another thing Elijah did before the fire fell in today's Bible reading was to repair the broken altar. When we repair our broken altars of prayer, praise, and worship, God's fire will fall. We cannot be lukewarm and expect God to send His fire. The disciples tarried in the upper room before God's fire fell -they were busy praying and setting the stage for His fire (Acts 2:1-2). After Elijah repaired the broken altar, he put the wood in order and prepared the sacrifice (1 Kings 18:33). We cannot be disorderly and expect God's fire to fall.
Elijah also asked the people to pour four barrels of water thrice on the sacrifice. Note that it hadn't rained for three and a half years; therefore, pouring such an amount of water was a huge sacrifice on its own. The people poured a scarce commodity in preparation for rain. No wonder God was in a hurry to send down His fire. Wherever God sees unusual sacrifice, He sends His fire. In 2 Chronicles 5, after completing the temple, Solomon gathered all the Levites, priests, and Israelites, and they sacrificed sheep and oxen, which could not be told or numbered for multitude. After this great sacrifice, God's presence filled the temple such that the priests could not stand to minister. Then, as soon as Solomon finished praying, fire fell from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and sacrifices (2 Chronicles 7:1). God's fire of preservation, increase, and unusual miracles falls in atmospheres of prayer and sacrificial giving.
Beloved, do you desire God's fire? Don't hold back in giving Him your heart, time, and resources. Give sacrificially and pray consistently; you will be visited by the fire of Cod's power, provision, and glory.
Bible In One Year:
2 Samuel 17-19
Take My Life, And Let It Be
Prayer Point:
Father, I will not withhold anything from You. Please help me to give sacrificially to attract Your fire, in Jesus' name.
Take my life, and let it be