He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap. .. Ecclesiastes 11:4
Genesis 2:18-25
In today's Bible reading, God said that it is not good for man to be alone, and He instituted marriage. This is why believers should not delay getting married once they are mature enough, have a stable source of income, and God has shown them the right partners.
Marriage, however, isn't an achievement in itself; a man and his wife are to help each other achieve their God given goals. Believers should not try to achieve everything before getting married; whoever they marry is to help them fulfil their purpose and aspirations. Some of the things people struggle to achieve will become easier when their helpers join them (Deuteronomy 32:30).
The earlier people marry and start having children, the quicker they can finish raising them and focus on God's work. However, this exempts those whom God told specifically not to get married. I thank God I married early and had children early too. Imagine if I had my first child at age 40; I might have been unable to focus on God's work as I should, and my wife might have been unavailable to help me. Once I was done raising all my children, I might not have had the same strength I had to do God's work in the early days of my ministry.
Many people delay getting married until they realise that time is running out fast. Consequently, they hurriedly find someone to marry. Marriage is not an institution to rush into; there is a need to pray and be sure of God's will concerning it. When people are in a hurry to get married, everything will look like a sign of God's will, and they may end up marrying the wrong partners. Marrying the wrong person is like driving with someone who isn't going in your direction. There will always be disagreements, confusion, and stress because both parties are going in opposite directions.
Lamentations 3:27 says that it is good for a man to bear the yoke in his youth. in the context of marriage, 'yoke' is not a bad thing because marriage means being yoked together with the person that God has ordained to help you. In youth, people have enough strength to conquer mountains and achieve profound things with their spouses. It is unwise to wait for the perfect conditions before getting married because they will never come(Ecclesiastes 11:4). Those who keep waiting to have everything before they marry might end up wasting precious time chasing the wrong things.
Bible In One Year:
Judges 9-10
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
Key Point:
Unless God has specifically told you to wait, it is unwise to delay getting married.
Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah!