Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine
own understanding. .. Proverbs 3:5
1 Samuel 13:1-14
In Luke 1:26-38, an angel visited Mary and told her she was going to be pregnant and that she would give birth to a special son who was going to be great. Mary said, "That's wonderful, but are you forgetting that I am not married yet? I have never known a man; how will a virgin conceive?" The angel said, "The Holy Ghost will handle that because, with God, nothing shall be impossible." Imagine what could have happened if she tried to help the Lord by sleeping with a man, just like Sarah did when she encouraged Abraham to sleep with Hagar so He could have a child (Genesis 16:1-3).
Years ago, my wife and I were praying for a certain woman who was waiting for the fruit of the womb. After a while, she lost hope and consulted a witch doctor who made some charms for her, and she got pregnant. That was over twenty years ago; up until now, she has not delivered the baby. When you try to help God, you will play into the devil's hands.
King Saul was another person who tried to help God. Shortly after he became king, the Philistines gathered together to fight Israel. It was a difficult situation, and the people began to mount pressure on Saul to act. Instead of waiting for Samuel to present the burnt offering, Saul decided to help God, so he overstepped his bounds into the priestly office and offered the sacrifice. When Samuel asked him why he tried to help God, he came up with excuses that he thought were valid. Those who try to help God always have excuses and reasons to do so, but this doesn't stop them from bearing the consequences of their disobedience. Saul lost the throne because of this foolish act.
Beloved, do not try to help God; just do your part according to His word and leave the rest to Him. If you try to help Him, you will open yourself up to the devil's manipulations and make grave mistakes. I have noticed from my walk with God that whenever He asks that you Wait for Him, it is because there is something glorious on the way. Don't get deceived by the flashy things the enemy tries to dangle in front of you to distract you or push you to 'help God'. By trying to help Him, you might end up destroying the very things that you want Him to help you build.
Bible In One Year:
1 Kings 21-22
When We Walk With The Lord
Key Point:
Don't try to help God. When you do, you might destroy the things that you want Him to help you build.
When we walk with the Lord
Trust and obey!
For there's no other way
To be happy in Jesus,
But to trust and obey.