But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. .. Matthew 9:13
1 Timothy 1:11-17
Yesterday, I established that God considers sinners and backsliders as dogs (Matthew 15:21-28, 2 Peter 2:22), and today, I will conclude the discussion on cods willingness to charge them to children.
Before I became born again, and while I was still single, I had so many girlfriends. Years later, after I had gotten married and given my life to Christ I became a lecturer at the University of Ilorin. After a while, one of my former girlfriends, who had also gotten married, relocated to Ilorin with her husband. She had a child who was born lame, and somebody told her that there was a pastor who could pray for her child, and the child would begin to walk. When she came to the church, she asked to see the pastor. She was ushered into my office, and when she opened the door and saw me, we greeted ourselves as old flames would. Finally, she said, "I want to see the pastor." I said, "Yes, how can I help you?" She replied, "I said I want to see the pastor." I said, "I am the pastor." She responded "you? You will pray, and God will answer?" We prayed, and the child began to walk.
The Bible says that if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17). The greatest miracle is the salvation of souls. If you are not yet born again, no matter how grave your sins are, God can save you too as He saved me. Before Saul encountered Jesus, he was a persecutor of Christians. However, after his encounter, he became a great asset to the Kingdom (1 Timothy 1:12-14). God converted cities through him, and a whole continent heard of Jesus through his ministry (Acts 19:26). There is no limit to what God can do in you, with you, and through you because when He transforms a man, He does it completely. As a son, you will have access to divine privileges. You will have the right to call God your Father, and you will partake of His inheritance.
Paul understood what it meant to be a new creature, and as God's child, he exercised his divine rights and authority. From a former dog, special miracles happened, and many people became transformed. If you are not yet born again, God wants to give you a new identity and make you His beloved child." Surrender to Him now and watch Him make your life a wonder to many (Psalm 71:7).
Bible In One Year:
Judges 20-21
Amazing Grace! How Sweet The Sound!
Key Point:
God is still in the business of transforming dogs into children.
Amazing grace! how sweet the sound!