Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. .. 1 Peter 5:7
1 Kings 17:1-16
God cares deeply for all His children. In 2 Kings 4:1-7, we read about the widow of one of the sons of the prophets whose husband died and left her With a load of debt. When the creditor came and wanted to take her sons into bondage if she didn't pay, she cried to Elisha, who told her to borrow many vessels and pour from the little bottle of oil that she had at home into them. The Great Provider stepped in, and she was able to pay off her debt and live off the proceeds of the oil she sold for the rest of her life. In John 6:5-13, Jesus fed 5,000 men, not counting women and children, with a boy's lunch. To show that He truly cared, He Multiplied the lunch until everybody was fed and there were twelve baskets of leftovers. These and many more stories show that Jesus truly cares.
Jesus also cares about us, not just our needs. He knows how fragile our human bodies are, and He wants us to be in good shape to do what He has called us to do. Years ago, there was a day I attended to people from 8:00am until 6:00pm when I managed to eat a little before attending our Bible study service. When I returned to my office, people were already waiting to see me. I kept praying for people until 10:30pm, and I was told there were ten more people waiting. By that time, my body was aching, and I was very tired. I asked God for what to do, and He said, "You don't need to stand to pray for them. Sit down, touch their head, and let them go. They will receive their miracle." I was surprised, and I said, "God, you mean I can talk to You, the Almighty, sitting down?" He replied that He has walked on the earth as a human, and He knows what it means to be tired.
Jesus knows our weak frame and cares deeply about us(Psalm 103:14). He is our High Priest who is touched with the feelings of our infirmities because He faced the same issues we now face (Hebrews 4:15). In today's Bible reading, we see how God cared for His prophet throughout the famine; he wasn't stranded at any point.
Beloved, put all your trust in God. He truly cares for you, and He will never leave you stranded.
Bible In One Year:
Joshua 21-22
Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine
Prayer Point:
Thank You, Jesus, for Your loving care.
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Saviour all the day long;
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Saviour all the day long.