As for our redeemer, the Lord of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel. .. Isaiah 47:4
Isaiah 51:15-16
According to Psalm 24:7-10, God is the Lord of hosts; the Commander-in-chief of all hosts in heaven, on earth, and underneath the earth. Even the devil operates within the confines of what He allows, as we see in the book of Job.
God can deal with any number of demons, be it one as in Mark 1:23-27, seven as in Luke 8:1-3, or a legion as in Mark 5:2-20. If there are any demonic forces interfering with your life, they will be put to shame, in Jesus' name.
I used to say that the Lord of hosts never loses a battle, but recently, He corrected me and said, "Son, I can choose to lose a battle to win a war. I can never lose a war." Sometimes, the Lord of hosts, in His divine wisdom, can choose to lose a battle because there is a greater war to win. For example, He allowed the devil to touch Job's possessions and health because He wanted to showcase the excellency of His power. In another example, Pharaoh's magicians did the same things Moses and Aaron did when they first confronted Pharaoh. However, it got to a point where they were terrified and declared, "This is the finger of God..."(Exodus 8:19). God permitted Pharaoh to remain stubborn so that He could reveal His mighty hand(Romans 9:17).
While Stephen was being stoned, Saul watched, and the devil rejoiced. The devil must have thought that he had won when he eliminated Stephen, not knowing that the agent he used to oversee the task would later become a major general in God's army. God had a bigger picture; He planned to use Saul to wreak great havoc on the kingdom of hell, and He succeeded. The Lord of hosts wins every war. No matter how terrible things get, when He steps on the scene, everything will align in favour of His beloved children. No wonder Paul said, "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God and who are the called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28).
Beloved, the Lord of hosts isn't just the mighty Man in battle; He is also the only wise God (1 Timothy 1:17). He can rearrange things to suit His purpose-even the worst of situations. Trust Him to use whatever unpleasant situation that exists in your life for your good and for His glory.
Bible In One Year:
Judges 14-16
Praise To The Lord The Almighty, The King Of Creation
Key Point:
The Lord of hosts never loses a war; He arranges everything to suit His purposes.
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation